Week 11.1: James Bamford, Zadie Smith, Gary Shteyngart & Ethan Kuperberg
James Bamford, "They Know Much More than You Think"
Zadie Smith, "Generation Why?"
Gary Shteyngart, "OK Glass"
Ethan Kuperberg, "What Happens When You Deactivate Your Facebook Account" (optional)
Study Questions:
1. What are the issues about security raised about security in Bamford's article? Do you worry about such issues? Should you? 2 pts E/C: Answer the above questions for Kuperberg.
2. What is Zadie Smith's critique of Facebook? Does this insight seem accurate? Regardless, if you agree with her insights, how might you apply her insights to your own circle of friends?
3. What are Shteyngart's feelings about technology in "OK Glass"?