Week 6.1: Tim O'Reilly & Chris Anderson

Tim O'Reilly, "What is Web 2.0?" SMR 32-52
Chris Anderson, "The Long Tail," SMR 137-151

Study Questions: 
1. What do the tables and figures in O'Reilly's essay add to his argument? When are such inserts appropriate? How might you use them in your own writing? What did they bring to your last essay?

2. Note the structure of O'Reilly's essay. How is it structured? What features does O'Reilly use to signal that he is moving from one section to another? How might you use a similar strategy in your own writing?

3. Anderson's long tail acts as an extended metaphor in his piece. What does the metaphor describe? What is its rhetorical effect?

4. What aspects of Anderson's and O'Reilly's writing do you find admirable? What might they do better?