Understanding Rhetoric, 1-34, 171-177
They Say/I Say, 1-15, 141-144
Study Questions:
1. Watch Anita Sarkeesian's TEDx Talk.
Afterward, make notes on what you remember most clearly; then watch the
video again, paying close attention to what you see when the most
memorable information is presented. What information does the speaker
convey visually, either with media accompanying the talk or with body
language? How well do the visuals and words work together? Note: This question has been adapted from Understanding Rhetoric.
Read the paragraph from an essay by Emily Poe, a student at Furman
University. Disregarding for the moment what Poe says, focus your
attention on the phrases Poe uses to structure what she says (italicized
here). Then write a new paragraph using Poe's as a model bur replacing
her topic, vegetarianism, with either the topic covered in Anita
Sarkeesian's video or one of your own. The paragraph can be located on
pages 14-15 in They Say/I Say.